Does Your Company Have Procedural Methods in Place Addressing Bomb Threats and Violence in the Work Place?

If the answer is no, we can help. Our knowledgeable staff of Certified Consulting Professionals all have distinctive law enforcement backgrounds with unprecedented levels of experience serving in The Bomb Squad, SWAT and Arson designations of law enforcement. We can implement custom programs tailored to meet the needs of corporate managers, supervisors, workforce and facilities. Providing you with the essential knowledge and training necessary to help identify, react and minimize terrorist threats in the workplace.

Are You in Need of Electronic Counter Measures,
Cyber Security, Polygraph Examinations
or Background Investigations?

If the answer is yes, we can help. Our knowledgeable staff of
professionals has unprecedented levels of expertise in these
fields. These services are provided confidentially and discretely.

EOD 1 USA - Answering The Call for Homeland


EOD 1 USA  •  7853 Gunn Hwy. #178  •  Tampa, Florida 33626

©2013 EOD 1 USA